
Improve the shopping experience - Surprise your customers with a bargain

Paranna ostokokemusta - Yllätä asiakkaasi kaupanpäällisellä

In an online store, store managers are an excellent way to attract customers and improve their shopping experience. Storefronts are additional products that you can offer your customers for free under certain conditions. They can be small products, samples, or even full-size products that the customer receives after reaching a certain purchase amount or meeting certain conditions.

Store managers offer several advantages in online shopping:

  1. Customer Loyalty: When customers receive a free product, they feel they got more value for their money, which can increase their brand loyalty.

  2. Attractiveness and marketing: Store managers work well as a marketing tool. By promoting free gifts, a company can attract new customers and generate interest among existing customers.

  3. Higher average purchase: By offering deals after reaching a certain purchase amount, the company can encourage customers to buy more, thereby increasing the average value of the Shopping Cart.

  4. Product introduction: A company can use store managers to introduce new products or products that customers might not otherwise consider.

A merchant can be added to the customer's order under the following conditions, for example :

  • Reaching a certain value of the shopping cart (e.g. "You get a free product for purchases over 50 euros").
  • Buying a specific product (e.g. "Buy X and get Y on top of the deal").
  • An order placed within a certain time limit (eg "The first 100 customers get a free gift").

Tips for making use of AI Commerce online store:

It is important to clearly define the terms so that customers understand what they need to do in order to get the deal. In addition, the store manager must be attractive and valuable to the customer in order to motivate them to make a purchase.

When creating storefronts, make sure that the selected product is suitable for your target audience and that it supports your brand values. A good example would be, for example, a storefront compatible with the purchase, when a customer buys a certain amount from your online store.

However, strategically designed store managers can increase sales and improve the customer experience in your online store.

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